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Garage world

While photographing the layers of garage culture, I explored modern masculinity, its rituals and practices. This is a crucial location for analyzing the performance of contemporary urban masculinity.

I started getting to know garage culture at an early age. I remember silent walks to my grandfather's garage, but as soon as the garage door opened, I was surprised by the abundance of tools and the prevailing sense of order and cleanliness. Only now I think that the garage itself and its contents were more eloquent than the grandfather himself.

The garage is a hideout, a "cave" for men, where they look for comfort, relaxation and a break from everyday life. It is a very masculine space where men can create an opportunity to have fun, escape from everyday household worries, express their individuality and free their imagination, as well as feel and experience brotherhood and immerse themselves in a free-spirited life. No matter what the everyday life of the "garage man" is, no matter how fragile his masculinity is, every time he returns to his space, he confirms and consolidates his masculinity to himself and others.

In this project, I created portraits embodying the layers of contemporary Lithuanian garage culture

Press about the project:

Kaunas's Day

What is happening in Kaunas

The project was financed by the Lithuanian Council of Culture.

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